Unite Executive Council election

Our branch nominated the following candidates at our meeting on 12 January 2023.

All candidates’ addresses and other details of the election can be found on the CES website. Ballots are being dispatched from Friday 27 March 2023 and voting closes at noon on Tuesday 25 April 2023. Members who have not received a ballot paper by 13 April 2023 should contact the ballot enquiry service by emailing support@cesvotes.com.

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Support your local picket line!

Union members everywhere are having to take strike action, often over terms and conditions but overwhelmingly over pay. The cost of living crisis is driving this. The Consumer Price Index is at over 10%, and food and drink costs have gone up 16.8% in the last year. We want to play our part in supporting … Read more

Nominations meeting for Unite’s Executive Council

In accordance with the Rules of Unite it is necessary to elect members of the Unite Executive Council which will hold office until 30th April 2026. In accordance with the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 Civica Election Services has been appointed to act as Independent Scrutineer for this ballot. They can be … Read more

Workers Can Win! book launch

Our branch is sponsoring the London launch of Workers Can Win! A Guide to Organising At Work, by trade union activist Ian Allinson and published by Pluto Press, on Saturday 15 October. More details here. Register on Eventbrite. Registration is free and all are welcome!

Basic Organising Training, part two

Our next branch meeting, on 21 April, will include part two of our Basic Organising Training programme. This’ll also be our first hybrid in-person/online meeting! All members welcome to attend!

Invitations will be in members’ mailboxes shortly.

Basic Organising Training

Next week’s branch meeting will be the first of two sessions of Basic Organising Training! This first session covers our rights at work, how to speak to our colleagues about the union, the union’s status in recognised and unrecognised workplaces, and more. Branch members should have the invitation in their inbox. If not, get in touch!

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