You say Goodlord – we say Badlord!

Reel News have produced a brilliant video that captures the background to the strike of our members at Goodlord as well as the struggles of young workers living in London during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Goodlord strike: a picket line message

Workers from the Goodlord referencing department protesting outside their office on 1 March against a fire-and-rehire program which would see salaries cut by up to £6,000 to below the real London Living Wage.

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Alphabet workers unionise

There’s been a huge amount of media interest in the announcement that workers at Alphabet Inc – Google’s parent company – have formed a union as part of Communications Workers of America. Unite London Digital & Tech branch sends its greetings to our colleagues who’ve taken this bold step.

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Returning to work: SAGE advice

For anyone returning to their usual place of work, being consulted about whether or not to return, or with questions about safety we recommend watching this video from the multi-disciplinary group of scientists Independent SAGE. Their weekly briefings feature questions from the public. It’s up to us to be informed, in case our employers aren’t.

A home working survival guide

Many employers are normalising homeworking arrangements for their entire or a portion of their workforce. This is clearly necessary in order to minimise the potential for Covid-19 to spread, but it should not be at the cost of employees’ physical or mental wellbeing.

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