We’re encouraging members to take part in these events over the summer:
National Shop Stewards Network conference

The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) is holding its conference on Saturday 24 June in Conway Hall, London between 11am and 4.30pm. From the NSSN’s bulletin:
The last year has proven that striking works, but the cost of living squeeze on workers is unrelenting. Alongside how to build solidarity with the current strikes, key questions for discussion at the Network conference will therefore include:
• How can we be better prepared for inevitable future strikes?
• It is possible to ‘all strike together’ in a 24-hour general strike?
• How can we fight the threat from the latest Tory undemocratic anti-union ‘minimum service’ legislation?
Hundreds of thousands of workers have been on strike for the first time. Many hundreds if not thousands have become workplace reps or stewards for the first time. Our conference will bring together active rank-and-file trade unionists – both new and longstanding – from across the whole of the trade union movement, including every union that has been involved in strike action. All union members are very welcome to attend and to fully participate in the discussion.
You can register on the day or by emailing info@shopstewards.net. Members of Unite London Digital & Tech who attend can claim their attendance fee and travel expenses from the branch.