What to do if you’re being disciplined

All workers in the UK have the right to be accompanied by a workplace colleague or Trade Union Representative in formal disciplinary hearings.

All employers are required to have a written disciplinary procedure, which meets minimum standards outlined in the ACAS Code of Practice.

If you find yourself being subjected to disciplinary action by your employer, its important to get advice as soon as possible. It is a lot harder to correct a bad decision once it’s been made, than avoid it.

Members of the London Digital & Tech (LE/7098L) branch should contact the North London District office for assistance.

All other Unite members should contact their regional office.

The following documents/information will help us to assist you more effectively:

  • Contract of Employment.
  • Employers Disciplinary Procedure.
  • Company Handbook (if you have one).
  • Invitation to disciplinary hearing outlining the alleged misconduct.
  • Details/Copies of any evidence the employer plans to use in the meeting (If your employer hasn’t provided you with copies of evidence, let us know!)

Note: A formal disciplinary hearing is a meeting where a disciplinary sanction can be applied (such as a warning or dismissal). Employers often hold an investigation meeting to assist them in deciding whether to proceed with a formal disciplinary hearing. Workers do not have a statutory right to be accompanied to an investigation meeting, although employers’ own procedures may allow for this.

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